Ahwaz  Electric  power  distribution company (APEDCO) , has registered at 6/12/71 ,during the 333 &number in the  companies  registeration office and industrial property . And has the   responsibility of power distribution in ahwaz and suburb restrict.
The company,s coverage area is about 11304 km 2,with the population of 1338126 persons as ahwaz hamidiyeh ,Bavi and Karoon.
The last constitution of company along with implementation of independency law of provinces power distribution companies has confirmed at 17/3/85 and recorded and advertised in number 11348 newspaper at 1/6/86. The activity abject of the company is :
1-Developement, improvement and buy grids and electrical facilities.
2-Purchase, sale and transport  of electricity .
3-Operation, network maintenance and distribution facilities.
4-Inducting and monitoring electricity distribution networks.Present needed services and take the necessary  measure  to ensure the constant supply of electricity.
5-Implement  non-profit projects of public resources in compliance with laws.